I have launched my new book on books google. It is now available for purchase for ₹ 0/-. In other words, it is free to download. The Google Preview is also active. The address of the book is: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=0YzZDwAAQBAJ The title is “World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series – One”. The book is not presently available on Amazon and Kindle. I have not published it through Kindle Direct Publishing. All my earlier books were first published on Kindle Direct Publishing. However, this time I have picked Google Books. It is apparent from the title of the book that it is a part of a series. I am soon going to publish the remaining part of the series very soon. The publishing of the book on Google Play Books is a pleasant experience. However, it has to be recognized that the skills of changing a manuscript into a printable book format were acquired while working with Kindle Direct Publishing. Hence, the credit go...